Friday, March 11, 2011

SA118 Chinese translation of the 5

Chapter files and text search
Translation: hfzheng
Reprinted Please keep this information!

Locate files using the find command
Use the find command to locate files in the directory tree, use the command can be based on specified rules to locate the file, for example, specify a file name, size, owner, modification time, type.
find command search path list recursive directory tree to find the rules to meet the specified file. When those who satisfy the conditions of the document orientation, the screen will display each file's path.
Command format
find pathnames expressions actions
The first command line argument for the start of the path name search, you can use an absolute path or relative path to specify. Search rules, and other parameters specified when searching files to the action to be taken. The following three sections describe the find command can be used in the parameters, expression and movement.
Parameter definition
pathname search the directory path beginning
expression of one or more options specified search rules, specify the number of search rules, find the command will execute and operate, that is, all listed in the search for rules that must be met.
Find command can be used in expressions
-Name filename search for files matching the specified file name, meta characters if placed inside the quotation marks can also be used
-Size [+|-] n search for the file size is greater than (+ n) or less than (-n) of the paper, n behalf of 512 byte blocks
-Atime [+|-] n search access to more than (+ n) or less (-n) days of the file
-Mtime [+|-] n search modified for more than (+ n) or less (-n) days of the file
-User loginID search for the name of all files belonging to loginID
-Type search for the file type specified, such as the d directory, f file
-Perm search with the specified file access permission
Find-print instructions to print the current path to the terminal screen, which is the default setting
find command can be used in action
-Exec command (); automatically find the file for each implementation of the specified command, must contain the string (); used to tell the find command for each file specified by the search rules for the implementation of command, must be a space before;
-Ok command (); exec interactive way, the results of the find command asks for confirmation when the command;
The following example find command functions:
$ Find /-name core
$ Find ~-name core-exec rm ();
$ Find.-Mtime +90
$ Find ~-size +57
$ Find / usr-name '* tif'
Compare the differences between files
Comparison of text using the cmp command differences between
Cmp command can be easily identified using the difference between the text. Only when the text file does not only print the results while cmp command, without any results, indicates that the file exactly the same.
cmp command for each file one byte a byte comparison, if the file had different, cmp command prints out the difference between the number of bytes of file and line number, then stopped in a different line. This command can compare binary files and ASCII files.
Command format
cmp filename1 filename2
$ Cmp fruit fruit2
fruit fruit2 differ: char 27, line 5
Output shows the two files the first time a different location, in the above example, line 5 in the first 27 characters.
Comparison of text using the diff command the difference between
Another diff is used to compare the differences between the command text. The command's result is a text file line by line show the differences between the two, as you edit a file to make the file and another file the same guidance.
Command format
diff-option filename1 filename2
Listed below can be used in the diff options:
-I Ignore case, for example, A is equal to a
-C generate a list of differences. Results file name and create date, the next is a group of stars, and then display the number of lines file1 file, file1 in the actual line, and file2 in front of different lines (-) label. Next is the file2 file lines, file2 in the actual line, with different line in front of file1 (+) tags.
Use with-c option of diff command
When using with the command diff-c option, the results shown in three parts.
The first part of the show to compare the file name, creation date, and then with a string of asterisks
The second part file1 file display, showing the number of lines the file file1, file1 in the actual line, and file2 different line in front of (-) label.
The third part file2 file shows the number of rows displayed file file2, file2 in the actual line, with a different line in front of file1 (+) tags.
For example, execute the following command to use diff to compare files:
$ Cat fruit
$ Cat fruit2
$ Diff-c fruit fruit2
backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp fruit Wed Jan 12 15:50:36 2000
--- Fruit2 Wed Jan 12 15:51:04 2000
backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp
backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp 2,8 backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp
- Pear
- Mango
--- 2,8 ----
+ Guava
+ Mango

Data sorting
sort command-line arrangement of text and print the file output to the screen. Sort command provides a quick alphabetical or numerical order organizational data. Default mode, sort order to use white space to separate different fields in the file.
Command format
sort-options filenames
Available options include the definition of the type of order, starting from which the domain sort.
Digitally sort (+|-) n to n-separator start (+ n), end (-n) of the domain order
-R reverse sort
-F Ignore case
+ NM arranged the first three characters in domain name of the month as an abbreviation
-D arranged in directory order, consider only letters, numbers and spaces. Other characters ignore
-O filename output file to the specified filename
-B start and end of a limited sort domain omit the space character
-T char Use char as the field separator character, if not specified, the space character is used as the default parameter
Use the sort command with different options
The following example shows how to use the sort command with different options:
$ Cat fileA
Annette 48486
Jamie 48481
Fred 48487
Sondra 48483
Janet 48482
$ Sort fileA
Annette 48486
Fred 48487
Jamie 48481
Janet 48482
Sondra 48483
$ Sort +1 n fileA
Jamie 48481
Janet 48482
Sondra 48483
Annette 48486
Fred 48487
The first command to use cat command to display the contents of the file, the first alphabetical sort order, from the first character of each line start.
The second sort order by number field on the second order (use +1 to skip a delimiter syntax).
In a file in the different domains using the sort command
The following example describes how a file using the sort command in different domains:
$ Ls-ld f *> list
$ Cat list
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers_6
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.1
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 1696 Feb 22 14:51 file1
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 156 Mar 1 14:48 file2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Feb 22 14:51 file3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 137 Feb 22 14:51 file4
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 56 Feb 22 14:51 fruit
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 57 Feb 22 14:51 fruit2
$ Sort-rn +4 list-o num.list
$ Cat num.list
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 1696 Feb 22 14:51 file1
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers_6
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Feb 22 14:51 file3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 156 Mar 1 14:48 file2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 137 Feb 22 14:51 file4
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 57 Feb 22 14:51 fruit2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 56 Feb 22 14:51 fruit
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.1
$ Sort +5 M +6 n list-o update.list
$ Cat update.list
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 56 Feb 22 14:51 fruit
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 57 Feb 22 14:51 fruit2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 137 Feb 22 14:51 file4
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Feb 22 14:51 file3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 1696 Feb 22 14:51 file1
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.1
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 0 Feb 25 12:54 file.3
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 156 Mar 1 14:48 file2
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers
-Rw-r - r - 1 user1 staff 218 Mar 1 11:36 feathers_6
The first example of the ls command output stored in the file list, and then use the cat command to view the file contents.
The first sort order on the fifth domain to generate a reverse, digital sequencing, sorting the results saved to file num.list in.
The second sort order of the file list of domains 6 and 7 for multi-sort options +5 M domain on the first six month of entries alphabetically, +6 n on 7 field days and a secondary sort in numerical order, all Sort results stored in update.list file.

Search the text of the document
Solaris operating environment provides a series of commands in one or more files used to search for a specific character patterns. Model can be a single character, string, word or sentence.
By definition, a search for matching characters in the same pattern as regular expression characters. Used to search for regular expressions command called grep, egrep and fgrep.
Grep command in a file search for regular expressions, regular expressions all contain the line to send the standard output.
Egrep and fgrep command is a variant of grep command, known as the rapid expansion of grep and grep.
Using the grep command
grep command is used in one or more files to search for character mode or regular expression to each line contains the specified character mode line output to the screen, but this does not change the contents of the file.
Command format
grep-options pattern filenames
-I Ignore case, uppercase and lowercase letters that are the same
-L just lists the file name with a matching line
-N added before each line line number
-V lists all lines that do not match
-C only contains the pattern of the lines listed
Regular expression meta-characters
grep command supports a few dollars to further define the search mode character. Here are a few basic element commonly used character
^ Line start identifier '^ pattern' matches all lines that begin with pattern
$ Line end of the identifier 'pattern $' pattern match to the end of the line for all
. Matching a character 'p ... .. n' match all contain the five characters followed by p at the beginning, followed with a line of characters
* [A-z] * matches lowercase characters
[] Matches the pattern of a single character '[pP] attern' Pattern matching including the pattern and the pattern of lines
[^] Is not pattern matching a single character '[a ^ m] attern' match to a to m at the end of all rows attern
Using the grep command to search for examples of regular expressions
The following example uses the grep command to search for regular expressions to search files / etc / group contains a pattern in the root of all the line, execute the following command:
$ Grep-n root / etc / group
1: root:: 0: root
3: bin:: 2: root, bin, daemon
4: sys:: 3: root, bin, sys, adm
5: adm:: 4: root, adm, daemon
6: uucp:: 5: root, uucp
7: mail:: 6: root
8: tty:: 7: root, tty, adm
9: lp:: 8: root, lp, adm
10: nuucp:: 9: root, nuucp
12: daemon:: 12: root, daemon
To search for a file / etc / group does not contain all of the root mode of the line, execute the following command:
$ Grep-v root / etc / group
other:: 1:
staff:: 10:
nobody:: 60001:
noaccess:: 60002:
sun4prog:: 100:
funda:: 105:
cprg:: 170:
csh:: 180:
sysadmin:: 14:
fire:: 20:
sl300:: 30:
java:: 190:
cplus:: 700:
sysint:: 1000:
internals:: 2000:
sunnetmgr:: 3000:
OpenWindows:: 5000:
SAE:: 5500:
guest:: 20000: guest, kbrown
Just search for file name contains the model root, execute the following command:
$ Cd / etc
$ Grep-l root group passwd hosts
Need in the directory / etc all the files in search mode the, only listed the matching pattern and The file name, perform the following example:
$ Cd / etc
$ Grep-li the backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp
$ Cd / etc
$ Grep-li the backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp

grep: can't open utmppipe
Need in the file / etc / group to search mode root, and only print the number of rows that contains the model, execute the following command:
$ Grep-c root group
Need the output of ls-la command in the search mode mar 1, execute the following command:
$ Ls-la | grep-i 'mar 1'
$ Ls-la | grep-i 'mar 1'
prw ------- 1 root root 0 Mar 1 11:05 initpipe
-R - r - r - 1 root root 806 Mar 1 13:39 mnttab
prw ------- 1 root root 0 Mar 1 11:06 utmppipe
egrep Command
egrep command is used in one or more files in the search for character mode or regular expression, regular expression support the expansion of metacharacters. Egrep command grep command with the same options.
Command format
egrep-options pattern filenames
Extended regular expression metacharacters
+ Matches one or more of the beginning of the characters '[az] + ark' matches one or more lowercase letters followed by ark
x | y matches x or y'apple | orange 'matches any expression
() Group characters 'search (es | ing) +' matches one or multiple occurrences
Use fgrep command
fgrep command searches the file specified model, with the grep and egrep difference is specified on the command line does not recognize any of the regular expression metacharacters. It is only the literal meaning of the letter identification,? Treatment as a question mark, $ dollar sign as a treatment.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Waterproof Wall - terminology to explain

In the field of computer security, firewall and waterproof walls are a very similar name. Firewall is installed in different networks (such as a trusted internal network and the untrusted public network) or network security domain combinations between the number of components. It can monitor, limit, change the data flow across the firewall, as far as possible within the network on the external screen of information, structure and operating conditions, in order to achieve network security. Logically, a firewall is a separator, a limiter, is a parser to effectively monitor the internal network and the Internet between any activities to ensure that the internal network security.

As a result, we know that a firewall to prevent external network through the isolation of the internal network to attack, it passively inspect all network packets flow through to block the communication security policy violations. Firewalls are based on the work of a basic assumption: it is located inside and outside the network access point, and there is no other bypass external gateway is based on this assumption, the firewall within the network became the protector. But, obviously, for internal security, the firewall can do nothing.

Waterproof wall thus came into being, and the traditional firewall concept is completely different, waterproof wall design to prevent leakage of internal information like water. The birth of a firewall is to prevent outside intrusion. It is a monitoring system within the network, at the internal network, at any time monitor the security situation within the host. If the fire is to prevent the spread of external threats to internal, then water is the means to prevent the leakage of internal information. Visible, waterproof wall is a network monitoring system within this very image of a call.

Simple waterproof wall by the probe and the monitoring center. In general, which consists of three structures: high-level user interface layer, real-time updates based within the network topology to provide system configuration, policy configuration, real-time monitoring, audit reports, security alarm and other functions; low-level modules layer, the distribution of the probe in the composition of each host; middle layer of the security services, real-time information collected from the lower to the senior report or alarm, and record the whole system of audit information, to prepare for queries or generate reports.

Waterproof wall generally has the following major functions: information leakage prevention, to prevent the internal network host, network, storage media, printers and other media, intentionally or unintentionally Kuosan local confidential information; system user management system records the user login information for the provide the basis for future safety audits; system resources, security management, limited hardware and software installation, uninstall, control the operation of a specific procedure to restrict the system into Safe Mode, rename the control file and delete operations; real-time health monitoring system, through the Intranet real-time capture and record screen host, to monitor internal security personnel to deter malicious insiders, and after the issue of security and provide the basis of its source, when necessary, can also be involved in direct control security of the host I / O devices such as keyboard, mouse, etc.; information security audit, network security audit record information, and provide the host within the network usage, security event analysis report.

In summary, the water wall is a firewall, virtual private networks, intrusion detection systems and other safety equipment, security services provided by an effective complement. On the overall security system, it is also an integral part. Although information security products, including encryption, antivirus, firewall, anti-electromagnetic radiation, platform systems, electronic authentication, vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, identification authentication, physical security protection system and other ten series, but these products can only be part of the solution , not the whole problem.

According to international authorities CSI / FBI statistical data provided, and aggressive behavior in many cases, the most important time is the most secure information leakage; attacks were mainly from within, not from outside hackers. Well, there is no readily available information technology or products can block the leakage of the tap it? Waterproof wall system, such a system is adopted.

Waterproof wall system is composed of Internet access security control, computer control port security, procedures, use of safety control, safety control file copy, CD burner safety control, file and print security control, illegal invasion of security control, security control hardware resources, operating behavior management, remote surveillance, immunization and virus hackers trojan from a centralized management platform.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tissot wave through the "Dakar"

Recently, the wave Tissot server always seems linked with the sport. August, Tissot wave machine chess battle in China over human masters Union, draw was the first person of Chinese chess Xu Yinchuan, steal the show. Residual sound unfinished war machine, September 12, Peng Zhen, general manager of another wave of server Oracle and Intel jointly announced in Beijing the first wave of Tissot worldwide, China's first international database system through a credible certification.

The International Business from the Oracle software and hardware providers such as the application according to the user, test experience and developed by some extreme conditions out of authentication system, as certified stringent and the industry known as "server Dakar Rally," said. From the man-machine war to the "Dakar Rally", the wave shows its aggressive side. As we all know, sports arena, beyond the self, and tap the potential of every player's goal, but "higher, faster, stronger" is the essence of sports competition. Similarly, the wave Tissot completed this series of challenges, the eyes are also more clearly on the high-end server market contention. "We hope that through the public display of the high tide of Tissot capacity and high reliability, rapid expansion of Tissot in the high-end business applications market for key applications." Peng Zhen said.

"Dakar" test

It was learned that the credibility of the international database system is Oracle certified in mid-June this year released the latest test specifications, all known Oracle Linux Validated Configurations (hereinafter referred to as VC certification). The certification includes three aspects: Single, RAC, Destructive testing, hardware compatibility, software and hardware functionality and overall performance cluster system such as a full range of tests on the server. The certification test the reliability of high-performance server constitutes a serious challenge.

Prestigious Dakar Rally began in 1979, 17 races last year, 11,052 km trip. Car must still frozen by the French, through the Mediterranean and the Atlas Mountains, the Sahara Desert and then challenge the death. Throughout the process, drivers must go through sand, desert, mud, road, grassland, farmland and other hard sections, the magnitude of the game far more than any other.

So on what basis VC certification is also known as the "Dakar Rally" it. It is understood, VC certification is the most outstanding feature of the limit on the server test. Including the application of this ultimate test limits and physical limits of both. In the application of limit testing to maximize the large amount of calculation and processing tasks on high-performance server stress test; and physical limits, the simulation will be no power, network and other extreme conditions to test the server.

Specifically, in the man-machine war, the wave Tissot assessment of 10 trillion chess game, in the processing unit area of 10 GB per second of switching capacity, 300 million to complete complex queries. But this showdown is verified Tissot wave in computing power and data capacity of the rapid exchange of the level. Certification in VC, Peng Zhen to a set of data: in 3 days 脳 24 hours of ERP use case testing, wave Tissot handled 200G total production, financial management data. Such a large data size, the utilization rate of the subsystem modules are pushed all the time to rise to the limit: I / O load up to 80%, CPU load 70%, 90% memory load. These figures show that, VC certification, all computing systems are beyond the scope of normal operations, the verge of system collapse.

In addition to the operation of overload, is even more surprising, VC certification also repeatedly put a man on a server or parts of the "destroy" behavior, such as hard disk out, computing unit, storage network or communications network failure, etc., further verify the platform's rapid recovery and availability.

Faced with this ordeal, wave Tissot performance then? According to the wave of mine Hu Jun, director of server technology introduced not only the wave of the successful completion of all tests, and runs very good condition. Data, Tissot system average response time under 3 seconds. "Even in the 10 instances of destructive testing, Tissot still be up against." Lei Jun Hu further stressed. Oracle China Development Center senior research manager Miss Wang Xiruo also expressed appreciation for the wave of Tissot's performance: "Wave Tissot Oracle database through credible certification, which proves the power of the wave of high-performance servers and reliability."

On the other hand, in addition to the challenges of extreme performance, VC certification also covers the key high-end server applications in various fields. It is understood that the wave of Tissot ERP applications in business, commercial CRM applications, telecommunications GPRS applications, VoIP applications, business consulting subsystem, the electronic post office, Meta Forum, health insurance and other fields have the test, and pass smoothly. "Needless to say on the performance of Tissot, one look at the first wave is the only one to be invited to participate in certification by the domestic manufacturers will be able to explain a lot of problems." In this regard, private chat after the wave of the server when the general manager of Peng Zhen said.

Wave of the dream

"For the players, the Dakar is a challenge; for people who did not participate in, Dakar is a dream." This is the founder of the Dakar Rally on the Dakar, the French driver Zelisabin Rally interpretation, Peng Zhen was also used to express feelings through the VC certification. At this point, the wave of Tissot, for Peng Zhen, the "Dakar" has been conquered, waves of people's dreams back to the most fundamental areas.

"Development of high-end server has been our dream wave of people." Peng Zhen in his toast to repeat the words again. As Peng Zhen said, Tissot from the release wave will begin eyeing the business computing. The major challenge for business computing in the financial, telecommunications, taxation, public security and so the demand for super-server. On the one hand, they demand higher computing power; the other hand, also requires ability to provide uninterrupted service. This requires that used in the financial, telecommunications, business and other fields not only need high server capacity, but also to provide uninterrupted for its support. Second pause, or any services, the time delay, will bring a decline in customer satisfaction or money losses.

In the Chinese market, the traditional high-end server market has been dominated by international brands, domestic enterprises to international brand recognition even to the extent of superstition. IT procurement popular among people with this sentence: "to buy international brand, something wrong with the server issues; buy domestic brand, break down is the responsibility of procurement officers." Undeniably, the international brand in the high-end server market did walk in the front, then wave of people's dream but also * how to achieve it?

Down to earth, challenge the limit, the pursuit of recognition, this is the wave of Hu Lei Jun person is given by way of a dream. In order to meet customer demand, the wave Tissot constantly to prove himself in various ways. If the Competition on Huashan Mountain-style man-machine war wave of Tissot demonstrated superior computing power, high-end technology to its success the brand image, then through the VC certification wave Tissot industrial users to demonstrate the reliability of the wave of Tissot and credibility.

In this regard, Hu said Lei Jun, the high-end server market is a circle, in order to enter this circle, must make their own brand. After many tests, however, is a brand and a lot of cases of temper come. "We will try a variety of certification, further challenges and that the wave of Tissot's abilities, but more important is to do some of the more solid the truth, and customers closer to the application of the application, with the actual wave that Tissot fully capable among the high-end server market. "

In fact, the wave has been achieved in many sectors of our key applications. For example during the 2003 college entrance examination, because SARS cases, need to build a strong network of consulting platform, Tissot is the entrance counseling network platform strong backing. In the past two weeks during the 24-hour operation to meet the needs of nearly 10 million visit the candidates, past candidates to avoid the application consultation process with a dense chaotic scenes to ensure that the extraordinary period of social stability. In addition, the wave of Tissot in the treasury system, the social security system, tax system, e-government, weather and many other key areas of outstanding performance.

Certification through the Human World War and the VC test, wave Tissot has been demonstrated to enter the high-end server market overall technical strength. However, we must not only overcome international brands in the technology, but also in the market to win, this journey in terms of the wave Tissot is another, "the Dakar Rally." But you can see, in the Chinese business computing market, has burst on the scene towering wave of Tissot, the high-performance development strategies are also being gradually emerge. In response, the wave of Senior Vice President Wang Endong does not mince words: "As the banner of high performance computing research, wave Tissot accumulated over the years has been to the overall development of the time."

"Development of high-end server is the wave of people dream of." Peng Zhen, general manager of the wave of the server says


Wave Tissot Server Events

November 2002, the wave start "Tissot works."

April 2003, the official release wave wave-based "flexible deployment of" design concept of the Tissot family of high-performance servers.

May 2004, the tide Tissot to 56180phH (composite queries per hour capacity) before the break and breaking maintained by the IBM Global Business Intelligence in the computing world records (TPC-H).

September 2004, Tissot to become the world's first wave of high-speed Internet technology-based international certification through the OCE high-performance server products in China.

December 2004, wave and BEA cooperation in SPECjAppServer2002 tests, the results again 1638.97TOPS broke 1574TOPS previously created by the HP commercial transaction processing (SPEC) world record.

March 2005, the tide Tissot awarded with the "second prize of national science and technology."

By the end of 2005, Ministry of wave Tissot was "important invention of Information Industry" award.

August 2006, Tissot wave of the "wave Cup" China's first man-machine chess battle and defeat the five Chinese Chess Master League, and with "the first person of Chinese chess," Xu Yinchuan war and.

September 2006, the tide Tissot company passed the Oracle database system credible international certification (Oracle VC), a global first, China's first certified by the server vendor.



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Thursday, September 23, 2010

P2P operators transform their billing through traffic into the regular army

The most hot as the last two years is also one of the most controversial technology, P2P technology revolutionized the traditional telecom model of centralized control, the development of the traditional telecommunications network had a huge impact.

In the September meeting held in the Internet, P2P once again become the focus of public attention, but different from the past that are in contradiction whirlpool carriers showed an extremely calm and rational, China Telecom and China Netcom in charge were invariably shown on the P2P-minded attitude.

China Telecom chief engineer Wei Leping clear that China Telecom will provide the media with a P2P service, and applications for legal P2P traffic to divert to accelerate local service. China Netcom (Group) Co., Ltd., deputy chief engineer left the wind even more bluntly, P2P is a good model, telecom operators should consider using this model.

Under such a change, we now see is that carriers bearer network transformation, and through technical means to strengthen control of P2P services, and then to traffic accounting based on the direction of change.

Abnormal input-output ratio

Resulting input-output ratio is mainly due to lower carrier has not been found more responsive to the P2P model.

BT download, online video, instant messaging, ... ..., these take up a lot of bandwidth to P2P service users to experience the pleasure, and gradually become the killer application of next-generation Internet, but the operator has little revenue from; the same time, P2P caused by network congestion also affects the critical links to other Internet business. From a fixed network operators, data show that, P2P traffic generated from operations of individual links in the individual time slots occupied by the operator's network 80% of the bandwidth, but do not bring their earnings to 20%. The iResearch Consulting statistics showed that in normal circumstances, P2P network operators to take up 40% to 60% of the bandwidth, the peak occupancy rate even as high as 70% to 90%, but revenue is only P2P service 5% of its total revenue.

Resulting input-output ratio is mainly due to lower carrier has not been found more responsive to the P2P model. To charging, for example, according to Ministry of Planning and Design Institute of the telecommunications and data exchange, deputy director of the Department of Lin-xiao, at present domestic operators mainly for broadband services such as monthly and monthly fee model, these models aimed at ordinary rates Internet business and design. As the ordinary business of the Internet bandwidth consumption is relatively small, and flow rates in a relatively balanced state, input-output ratio is relatively reasonable. However, the emergence of P2P allows users to flow substantially faster than the general Internet business (some calculations, 1 hour video take up the equivalent of an electronic mail network resource consumption of the year). In this case, still using the original charging mode, naturally will cause a decline in input-output ratio.

Moreover, while the traditional C / S structure than, P2P is high on the other, extensibility, robustness, high, cost-effective as well as load balancing and other advantages, P2P applications business also faces a lack of control, no guarantee of quality , piracy and other issues.

For taking up a lot of bandwidth and resources, many companies have to P2P software to disable the method; operators for P2P is showing a strong "ban" attitude, some operators have also adopted restrictions on P2P traffic means control of users.

Rational Transformation Network

The rapid decline in fixed voice and broadband boost for P2P applications, forcing operators to have a more rational treatment of P2P, and start thinking of the bearer network transformation.

Despite the impact of the P2P operators build enthusiasm, Internet users and carriers intensified the conflict between, but the rapid decline in fixed voice and broadband boost for P2P applications, forcing operators to have a more rational treatment of P2P, and start thinking transformation of the bearer network.

Recently, renowned Internet expert Professor Hou Ziqiang said the General Assembly on the Internet, China Telecom, China Netcom and China Mobile and other operators have begun to transform CDN network, transformed the network can support, including BT and P2P streaming media category, including download. "Currently, China Telecom megaupload, Netcom CNCMAX have been able to apply P2P. Monternet China Mobile also began to explore applications for the Internet, and has already set the wireless IP and Internet business environment, the idea to support the P2P service. "

Concern is that many problems faced in the P2P, the growth of video content to be a very prominent contradictions, some people even call it P2P, "knot."

Statistics show that, in the domestic Internet market, the Web content is more than 10% increase in annual growth, which is the fastest growing video content. If you rely only on hardware investment to increase bandwidth, not only will lead to rising costs, will create security problems. Hsu, CEO ChinaCache four young that, CDN (content distribution network) is the key to solve this problem, "If we need to use the Internet compared the P2P transfer of resources copy of the film, CDN service is set up one by one cinema. If there is only on the Internet a cinema, then go to the cinema when a large number of users to watch, they will form a congestion situation; even into the cinema, the audience can not have a good viewing environment. And if the film was made into copies are shown in different theaters, This congestion situation would not exist. This is the CDN works. "

Qing Xu four that does not use CDN impact the overall performance of the network, and video content providers can help significantly reduce overall operating costs. "After the way with CDN, the operation between the independent cinema, including a theater problem does not affect the work of other theaters. He also presented a set of data: in the United States, 80% of users use the CDN services and, in China the figure is only 5%.

Lin-xiao that, CDN and P2P integration is a good idea, but combined in different ways, and now appears there are some problems.

Apart from the introduction of P2P CDN business, there are experts on the future of P2P services network carrying the new ideas presented.

Wu Hequan Chinese works that overlap in the CNGI network based on technology developed intelligent points of P2P, better utilization of the Internet resources.

In fact, operators are also changing for the P2P network equipment manufacturers to bring opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, P2P services to enable operators to increase the demand for equipment, for manufacturers to provide more market opportunities; while on the other hand, operators are implementing sophisticated operation, do not blindly expansion.

In this regard, ZTE Intelligent Network Products Network Systems Division, Senior Engineer, Director of Dong Zhenjiang that P2P's impact in the telecommunications industry has been the traditional focus on service model is difficult to effectively support the rapid development of broadband applications and users growing needs, who can provide operational, can be managed P2P network equipment solutions will be operator of all ages.

P2P technology used to control business

According to estimates, as have the ability to distinguish between business, the backbone of the Internet bandwidth management costs per 10G to increase around 1.5 million yuan; the end of the deployment of service differentiation in the ability to access higher costs, assessed to each user's bandwidth costs would increase accordingly Great.

In addition to the network transformation, the current operators have also adopted a number of technical means to realize the P2P services classification and scheduling, enhance the ability of the control of P2P services. Early applied to the corporate market DPI (deep packet inspection) technology is increasingly being used to distinguish P2P service operators.

It is understood that many U.S. carriers in the deployment of IPTV, we began large-scale adoption in the business hub of DPI equipment. This trend is also stimulating a focal point for equipment manufacturers in the data device to increase the functions of DPI or DPI board. Carrier IP network technology consulting Xiangdong that the focal point of the DPI equipment and data equipment integration will be the future trend of development, such as the Cisco 7600 series and Alcatel-Lucent 7750SR features are available in the DPI.

Typically, Cai Yong DPI technology products of the main features include: using real-time user Shuojufenxi, Zhuangtai Xieyishibie, Ye Wu Liu Jian Kong, Yingyongchengxu monitoring, Hui Hua control, business strategy deployment, use and control, operational quality, safety, traffic management. According to Zhang Xiangdong introduction, although DPI technology for the mitigation of P2P services to the network congestion caused by very effective, but the domestic carriers should be combined with the domestic status of DPI technology, and combined with actual test results to select the DPI product. In the promotion of foreign firms, it should highlight the status of those applications for the Chinese product features. For example, domestic operators MAN exports, net exports are mostly provincial, 2.5G POS link, but most foreign companies are mostly foreign to provide the 10G interface DPI product.

Broadband network by upgrading the quality of services and the business of perception, classification, scheduling capabilities, making P2P services have become able to "control", but also for traffic accounting by operators to achieve possible, but it will also lead to increased costs. According to estimates, as have the ability to distinguish between business, the backbone of the Internet bandwidth management costs per 10G to increase around 1.5 million yuan; the end of the deployment of service differentiation in the ability to access higher costs, assessed to each user's bandwidth costs would increase accordingly Great. Therefore, there are some other new operators tend to carry a large number of networks for business customers, the existing network will continue to carry, including P2P services, including general application.

P2P speed up the transformation operator

For those who can not tolerate their marginalization of the value of operators, service providers need to transition to the information to provide more value-added services, and P2P operators will become an integrated information service provider to the transformation of the accelerator.

In the transformation of the network and through technical means to enhance operational control of the P2P capabilities, operators can not ignore a crucial question is: to explore a reasonable profit model, the formation of healthy industrial chain, P2P industry to promote healthy, positive development, but the basis of this development to be able to ensure the continued construction of the network.

As Hou Ziqiang said, the attitude of P2P operators for the change is only a matter of time, "used to be thinking about how to make more money, and now must consider the needs of users. Broadband is the operator that the ultimate solution, but it's broadband users to download a P2P strong demand, operators must strive to do this ecosystem. "Recently, the Ministry of Information Industry Institute of Telecommunications Planning and Design Institute, Deputy Director Hu Jian Bo also said that" the user needs to download BT very strong, certain points of view , operators should lead to this need, and use the model to achieve a reasonable profit. "

Traditional telecom operators to provide users with service model is controllable, high-quality service and charge accordingly. But with VoIP, as represented in free Internet service intervention, operators of traditional profit models are being challenged. For those who can not tolerate their marginalization of the value of an operator, information service providers need to transition to provide more value-added services, while P2P Ze become the operator to integrated information services business transformation accelerator.

Represented by the Chinese telecom operators are trying to use its technological advantage and operational advantages, the scale of development of P2P applications. It is reported that last year, China Telecom, Guangzhou Institute of CNGI successful demonstration project in the "P2P-based digital media business development and application of experimental" project, Guangdong Telecom is developing P2P-based security integrity of the on-demand, live, downloads and other digital media business.

While the huge user base allows operators to have a good basis for operating P2P services, but in the information services, telecom operators to provide capacity information and other media can not be compared with the broadcast. In this regard, Hu Jianbo that telecom operators and content providers need to adopt a collaborative model to bring this piece of business done.

In addition to file download, video, instant communications with external, standardized P2P 鎶?湳 is also widely used in IPTV, streaming media services, video storage and other fields, Li Yong P2P 鎶?湳 also Keyi 浜や粯 build new media, distribution of Ji Tong. Therefore, in addition to the scale of development of the P2P applications, P2P provide differentiated services for carriers is also an option. From this point, Guizhou, China Netcom and Shanghai used together to build a network of "Netcom Watch" is very representative.

As the first test the water P2P streaming media operators, Guizhou, Shanghai Netcom network by using a new generation of P2P technology platform to provide - SNS network, has created a telecom operator and ISP P2P networks as a dominant industry chain. Analysis, advertising revenue will account for dominance of P2P streaming media to build new media platforms, advertising revenue will become dominant. According to iResearch statistics, in 2006 the Chinese P2P streaming media market, advertising revenues of 0.1 billion, is expected to reach 070 million yuan in 2007, reached 480 million yuan in 2010.


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Chino conflict" Comment

Dark Messiah of configuration requirements, and lower than L4D

Also a shock melee fun FPS, there are few places of innovation, against a sense of feel good, bloody effects of too low. Maybe the author of a lack of confidence in the recent war game, the game appeared in arms, a few points must use the gun, but does not mean you can abuse RELOAD very long time, and shoot a gun when not running the most important weapon in hand is easily be destroyed on the ground (good idea), so difficult is easily under attack from reliance on firearms, deliberately bent over to pick up the gun is more likely to be cruel enemy chrysanthemum burst.

Learned in recent combat operations experience of predecessors, Qing Quan fast, slow but heavy blows can break defense. Violent attack can stun the target, you can came up every now (similar to Resident Evil 4) will certainly Zou Ren's not just you, there is an enemy you can use both hands Ying Dang, but this is usually not optimistic about the outcome may start Only one person pounding you, then other people involved, that is, we often hit the. A better strategy is in the opponents to the side shot of the moment get away, call him a punch at the same time, but not everything, sometimes you flash to another fist in front of the bandits. So the game allows you to make a flash bomb like Onimusha 3 action, can quickly resolve the enemy's attack and give a strong kick AI will dodge and parry, it also constitutes a complete offensive and defensive systems. In addition you can also pick up the stick for beating on what to BOSS, but not the kind of pleasure fists.

Monotonous scene and the AI is not high and did not give this fight to play the system too much space, so the whole game of all is not high, but I have to complain not only of these, the game automatically locks the enemy's design makes me a little angry In addition to causing dizziness, vomiting, did not give me any good. I really hope that the game did not chain given system. Flexible control of the mouse on the view do not need to lock to superfluous game gives the first impression (and perhaps only impression) is Sincere to the meat of the pleasure, so close combat FPS without a loved one can be under-free.

I think a melee FPS is not the lack of feel and moves the system, but the overall level design and detail. And fire departments have different melee distance visual problems in the battle difficult prone to punching each other's embarrassing Dabu Zhao (too close to the first hit in, then easily), the expectation of improvement works. Boxing may be to emphasize the confrontation right-hand punch, such as my partner Zuoquan you which direction the flash, the right fist in which direction you should the flash.

Click on the lifting of E, E is likely a few locked again, poor baby, you were definitely in the game seems a lot of crimes are used to something you play the game tends to play by E, which is the legendary self-abuse type player? I on E this key has no special preference and automatically lock to the screen shaking is severe, no way to retreat, narrow view to only see one person in addition to any role (including your use of the handle play).

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Digital board reshuffle: Chairman Guo Wei

Dec. 20 message, distribution and IT services provider Digital China (0861.HK) announced yesterday its latest board structure, including the third-largest shareholder, president and CEO, replacing Li Qin Guo Wei, Chairman, including two " Old Legend ", including the resignation of four non-executive directors, four representatives of the new investors took over.

4 on looked

Digital bulletin released last night showed that since December 19, 2007 began, representatives of major shareholders Legend Holdings, the former Chairman of the Board of Digital China Li Qin resigned due to retire and the post of director, while no longer serve as Chairman of the Board; major shareholders The second representative of Legend Holdings, the former chairman of Lenovo, the former director of the Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences has Maochao also due to retire and has resigned as a Director of; also resigned as a director include the current executives of the China Digital Zhinian .

In addition to this announced the resignation of three directors, the Digital 17, the evening also announced that the original investors cash out now General Atlantic Partner's Managing Director William O. GRABE has resigned from the Digital China's non-executive director. Yesterday evening bulletin with the resignation of three directors, board of directors of this adjustment total of 4 Digital outgoing directors.

In the four new directors, the former largest shareholder, holding 16.23% is the second largest shareholder of Legend Holdings shares reduced by two directors from the Tang Xudong, vice president of reassigning a person as a director; new investment Fang Hongyi Investment send as its Managing Director, Hong-Yu Digital Director; the other two directors from the current 18.35% shareholding of the largest shareholder of SAIF, the Fund's directors in Taipei, and Andrew Yan joined the Digital Board of Directors.

In addition to adding four new non-executive directors, the original two executive directors continue concurrently. Lin, executive vice president of Digital China as Yang Guo Wei's old partner, continues to serve as Executive Director, Vice Chairman, President and CEO, Guo Wei's third-largest shareholder to continue as an executive director and Chairman of the Board.

Digital China's four independent directors Hu Zhaoguang, Wu Jinglian, WZ, and KWAN Ming Heung Peter remains unchanged.

Code fully into the era of God, Guo Wei

As the holdings of Legend Holdings to become the second largest shareholder, the fund investors to become the largest shareholder, the management team on behalf of Guo Wei became the third-largest shareholder, with the announcement of new equity program, replacing Li Qin Guo Wei had served as its Chairman in the industry expected.

This change, there are clear indications in the month before. In mid-November, Digital China held the most important annual events - Science and Technology Innovation Week, and as Chairman of the Board of Li Qin did not attend. In a press meeting held during the conference, Guo Wei also specially convened group's new management team debut, this all indicates that Digital China will have new changes.

With Digital MBO (management buyout) of the complete structure of the company as a whole shares a great deal of change, institutional holdings, cash and the entry of new shareholders, are harbingers of a comprehensive re-election today, the board of directors is expected.

In addition to the management of two executive directors and independent directors, the whole party on behalf of shareholders, all non-executive director of the team change, Guo Wei also the third largest shareholder, chairman, president and CEO of the identity of the absolute core of the company, which means Digital China entered the era and Guo Wei Guo Wei advocated service transformation era.

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